Considering the shoe and leather industry, with 28% of the astonishing speed growth, in the eastern province of Sri Lanka's government has plan to establish a shoe and leather industry production center.
Sri Lanka's minister of industry and trade in January 3, 2017 of the shoe and leather in an episodic speech said: "we are planning in the eastern province of the founding of the first shoe and leather center in Sri Lanka, shoe and leather industry exports soared by 28% in 2016, exports reached $140 million, among them, the shoe industry accounted for 84% of total exports of leather industry". To the 2020 world shoe and leather market scale will exceed $600 billion, shoe market is expected to reach $370 billion, leather market will reach $247 billion.
Sri Lanka trade and industry minister also said that as the rise of a moderate consumption market and the increasing demand for luxury goods, he believes that Sri Lanka's brand shoes with price competitive advantage in the international market, broad prospects. Because more and more people are advocating sports lifestyle, sports shoes become the main power of industry growth, the production cost of shoes is far lower than the fashion footwear, profits can be as high as 45%, he called on Sri Lanka's shoe manufacturers to export and brand development.
Began to realize the importance of shoemaking, Sri Lanka, department of trade and industry is not only the leather trade show to give subsidies, also provide support for several projects of shoe industry, for example, to invest 19 million rupees set up the shoe and leather products processing technical training schools. In addition, the government also by improving the footwear import tariffs, exempt from import duty and other ways to protect leather leather processing equipment industry development, the minister also make full use of the preferential policies to encourage leather industry the industry bigger and stronger.